Connect with Colleges at Your High School

As high school students transition from summer break into the school year, they must learn or relearn how to balance school, homework, extracurricular activities, and time with friends.  Though their schedules may be busy, students also should make time to attend college admissions counselors visits’ to their schools.  These visits, most of which occur in the fall, are a great opportunity for students at various stages of the college search and admissions process.

When college admissions officers come to high schools, they usually give a short presentation, similar to the information session you’d attend on an official campus visit.  This presentation might include a PowerPoint or video or simply consist of the admissions officer talking about the college they work for.  Additionally, there is typically time for Q & A.

For younger students who are just beginning their college search, these visits are mainly a chance to learn about a wide variety of colleges.  For seniors, the visits may help you finalize your college list, especially if you haven’t been able to visit every school you’re considering.  College admissions officers’ visits also enable students to meet the people who read applications, as well as to demonstrate interest in a college.  As explained in a previous blog post, some colleges consider demonstrated interest when making admissions decisions.

Before attending college admissions’ counselors visits to your school, it’s important to inquire about your school’s policies for such visits.  For example, some schools limit the visits to juniors an seniors, while others limit how many visits a student can go to since they’re usually held during class time.  Your school may require you to get permission from teachers whose classes you’ll miss to attend college admissions officers’ visits.  Even if that’s not required, your teachers will appreciate if you check with them ahead of time to make sure that you won’t miss anything important (like a test).

It’s also important to find out how your school informs students about college admissions counselors’ visits, as well as if you need to sign up for them in advance and how to do so.  If your school uses a college planning platform like Naviance or Maia Learning, the visits likely will be posted on it, and you should be able to sign up for the visits there, too.  If your school doesn’t use Naviance or Maia or you don’t see college visits listed on the platform, check with the counseling office.

During the visit, you should introduce yourself to the admissions officer if you can.  This is especially important for seniors, as the person visiting your school likely will be the person (or one of the people) who reads your application if you apply.  Asking thoughtful questions can also make a good impression.

If you’re a senior and are unable to attend an admissions counselor’s visit to your school, get the person’s name and contact information and send an email letting them know you are interested in the college/planning to apply but couldn’t go to the visit.  This is another way to demonstrate interest.

By |2024-09-03T23:24:47+00:00September, 17, 2024|College Research, College Visits|0 Comments

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