Sara Zessar founded Discovery College Consulting in 2013 with a simple mission: help students prepare for, explore, and apply to colleges that are the best fit for them academically, socially, and financially. The college search and application process is more complicated and competitive than ever. Our consultants assist students with understanding the process, making themselves competitive for admission, setting realistic goals, identifying and researching colleges, and standing out on their applications.

Just because a college is number one on a list of rankings, it may not be the number one college for a particular student. The consultants at Discovery College Consulting take the time to really get to know students and aid them in determining what they’re looking for in a college. We then recommend schools that are a “good fit” – where students will be successful, happy, and more likely to graduate on time, and where families can afford the cost.

Contrary to popular opinion, the college search and application process can be fun and exciting! Adolescents are in a constant quest to figure out who they are and what’s important to them, and these discoveries significantly influence their college choices. In fact, Sara named her company Discovery College Consulting and created her tagline – “Find Yourself AND the Right College” – to reflect the path of discovery that our consultants help students navigate. We genuinely enjoy working with teens and assisting them with this important decision and life transition.

The college admissions process can be stressful, emotional, and overwhelming. The consultants at Discovery College Consulting strive to make it both enjoyable and manageable. We help students divide their applications into smaller steps and keep them on track to meet deadlines. Additionally, many teenagers respond better to someone who is not their parent; thus, our consultants can ease the tension between students and parents so they can avoid arguments during this challenging time in teens’ lives.

Nothing is more rewarding than helping and watching students grow through this process. The consultants at Discovery College Consulting feel privileged to be part of students’ lives, and we appreciate that they and their parents trust us to guide them. We absolutely love sharing the joy our students experience when they get accepted to the colleges of their choice.

Learn more about Sara by clicking here.

Learn more about Marcia by clicking here.