Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Discovery College Consulting's 22 students in the Class of 2023 were admitted to 75 different colleges, which are pictured to the right (click the image to enlarge it).  They will be attending the following schools: American University College of Charleston College of Wooster Colorado School of Mines Loyola University Chicago [...]

What You Need to Know About the Digital SAT

No more answer sheets and #2 pencils. Starting in March 2024, students in the U.S. who take the SAT will take it digitally, and international students began taking the digital SAT in March 2023. Additionally, the PSAT will go digital in October of this year. In this blog post, I’ll [...]

By |2023-05-09T23:01:53+00:00May, 10, 2023|College Admissions Tests|0 Comments

Seniors: Get Ready for College This Summer

If you're a high school senior, May is a very busy month: you're preparing for the end of the school year both academically (taking AP, IB, and final exams) and socially (going to prom and graduation and participating in other rituals/traditions).  Additionally, you've now decided which college you will attend.  [...]

How Many AP/IB/CE Classes Should You Take?

At many high schools, students will soon be selecting their courses for next year, if they haven't done so already.  When talking with my students about what classes they're going to choose, they often ask, "How many AP (or IB or concurrent enrollment) classes should I take?"  What they are [...]

By |2023-03-09T22:42:44+00:00March, 14, 2023|College Admissions, College Preparation|0 Comments

Discovery College Consulting in the News

In January, Sara was interviewed for a U.S. News & World Report article on senioritis.  The article explains how senioritis and a resulting drop in grades second semester can pose a threat to one’s college acceptances.  Additionally, it offers tips for how students can overcome senioritis and finish their senior year [...]

By |2023-03-08T15:36:16+00:00March, 8, 2023|College Admissions, College Preparation|0 Comments

Big Changes Coming to FAFSA

In a previous blog post, I wrote about how the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is going to change this year. Recently, the Department of Education announced the new form might not be ready by October 1, the date on which the application has opened since 2016. [...]

By |2023-03-07T21:08:13+00:00February, 28, 2023|FAFSA, Financial Aid, Paying for College|0 Comments

Should You Disclose Mental Health Issues in College Applications?

In a recent New York Times op-ed, guest writer Emi Neitfield reflected on the dilemma she faced when applying to college in the 2009-2010 school year: whether or not to disclose her mental health issues in her applications.  Between ages 13-15, Neitfield was hospitalized multiple times, spent nine months in [...]

By |2023-01-14T21:02:24+00:00January, 17, 2023|College Admissions, College Applications|0 Comments

Why Is College So Expensive? Part 3

This is my third in a series of blog posts on the increasing cost of college in the United States.  In the first post, I offered several reasons why college is so expensive.  In the second, I explained that college may not actually be as costly as it seems, as [...]

Upcoming Changes in College Admissions

As 2023 begins, there are several major changes that will impact the college admissions landscape this year and beyond. Below are descriptions of four of them, along with one wildcard. Pell Grant Increase For students and families relying on need-based financial aid, the Pell Grant increase is welcome news. The [...]

COVID-Related Learning Loss: Implications for Colleges

When I was a kid, I remember friends whose parents would pay them for every “A” on their report card. Others got special treats, like a trip to get ice cream or see a movie. The U.S., whose national report card came out last month, sadly isn’t eligible for any [...]

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