Surprised By Your ACT Writing Score? You’re Not Alone

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00May, 3, 2016|College Admissions, College Admissions Tests, Uncategorized|

Enough of my Class of 2017 students have taken the ACT that I'm beginning to see a pattern in their Writing scores: compared to these students' scores on the other sections of the test, their Writing scores have been surprisingly low.  For example, one of my students had an English score of [...]

ACT Will Make Changes to Score Reports

By |2020-08-24T15:52:36+00:00June, 12, 2014|College Admissions, College Admissions Tests, College Applications, College Preparation|

As explained in my March 11 blog post, the College Board will introduce a redesigned SAT in 2016.  This month, ACT announced that it, too, will be making changes, though they are not nearly as extreme as those being made to the SAT. The new SAT will incorporate changes to both the test's [...]

Significant Changes Will Be Made to the SAT

By |2020-08-24T15:52:37+00:00March, 11, 2014|College Admissions, College Admissions Tests, College Applications, College Preparation|

If you are a high school freshman or younger, the SAT you'll eventually take will be quite different from the one that's now in existence.  Last week, the College Board, which produces and administers the SAT, announced that it will begin offering a revamped version of the test in 2016.  The changes [...]

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