The College Fairs Are Coming!

By |2020-08-24T15:52:33+00:00September, 6, 2016|College Admissions, College Research|

Apparently, Paul Revere never actually uttered the famous words, "The British are coming!"  Yet, in the spirit of that misquote, the college fairs are, indeed, coming to Denver (and probably to your city, if you live elsewhere).  Fall is a popular time for college fairs, and below is information about and [...]

College Essays: Why the Five-Paragraph Essay Format Doesn’t Work

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00July, 20, 2016|College Admissions, College Applications, College Essays|

By the time they've finished their junior year of high school, many students have become experts at writing a five-paragraph analytical essay.  Knowing how to write such an essay will serve students well as they finish high school and enter college.  However, when it comes to college application essays (also known as personal [...]

Seniors: “Grow Where You’re Planted”

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00May, 11, 2016|College Admissions|

For the last several years, around mid-April, I've seen headlines that say something along the lines of, "College acceptance rates hit record low."  Frank Bruni, who for many years wrote a New York Times column about college and college admissions, published a column on March 30 in which he stated that Stanford's acceptance [...]

Surprised By Your ACT Writing Score? You’re Not Alone

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00May, 3, 2016|College Admissions, College Admissions Tests, Uncategorized|

Enough of my Class of 2017 students have taken the ACT that I'm beginning to see a pattern in their Writing scores: compared to these students' scores on the other sections of the test, their Writing scores have been surprisingly low.  For example, one of my students had an English score of [...]

You’ve Been Accepted; Now, Where Should You Enroll?

By |2020-08-24T15:52:35+00:00March, 14, 2016|College Admissions, College Majors, College Research, College Visits, Financial Aid, Scholarships|

March is an important month for high school seniors: by the end of it, most students will know which colleges admitted them and which didn't.  Students may know April 1 as April Fool's Day, but, it is also the date by which many colleges release their admissions decisions.  Students then have until [...]

Make Plans Now to Make Your Summer Count

By |2020-08-24T15:52:35+00:00March, 9, 2016|College Admissions, College Preparation|

Many people think of summer vacation as exactly that: a vacation.  However, if you're a high school student who hopes to attend a selective or highly selective college, your summer needs to involve more than sitting by the pool, hanging out with your friends, or playing video games.  Just as colleges are interested in [...]

Discovery College Consulting Has a New Associate

By |2020-08-24T15:52:35+00:00August, 3, 2015|College Admissions, College Consultants, College Preparation|

Discovery College Consulting is excited to welcome Marci Colb to its team! Marci has been a college consultant for five years, so she has considerable expertise about the college search and application process. Additionally, for 15 years she has worked in college admissions and student affairs. Marci’s various roles on [...]

Advice for Parents on Helping Students with College Applications

By |2020-08-24T15:52:35+00:00July, 1, 2014|College Admissions, College Applications|

I recently had an article published in the Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle that offers tips for parents on assisting their kids with the college application process.  You can read it here.  

Students and Parents: Make Time for Summer Reading

By |2020-08-24T15:52:36+00:00June, 17, 2014|College Admissions, College Preparation, College Research|

When I was in high school, one of my favorite things about summer break was that it afforded me the time and opportunity to read for pleasure, a hobby that frequently got pushed to the back burner during the school year.  A voracious reader, I spent many summer days engrossed in a book, [...]

ACT Will Make Changes to Score Reports

By |2020-08-24T15:52:36+00:00June, 12, 2014|College Admissions, College Admissions Tests, College Applications, College Preparation|

As explained in my March 11 blog post, the College Board will introduce a redesigned SAT in 2016.  This month, ACT announced that it, too, will be making changes, though they are not nearly as extreme as those being made to the SAT. The new SAT will incorporate changes to both the test's [...]

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