Giving Students Autonomy in the College Search and Application Process

By |2025-01-06T18:40:50+00:00January, 7, 2025|College Admissions, College Applications, College Consultants, College Essays, College Preparation, College Research|

In a recent New York Times op-ed, Jenny Anderson and Rebecca Winthrop highlighted a survey of over 4,000 members of Gen Z in which 49% “said they did not feel prepared for the future.”  Additionally, employers have reported that employees from this generation lack many of the key skills necessary [...]

The Case for Independent College Consultants

By |2022-05-18T23:53:07+00:00May, 17, 2022|College Admissions, College Consultants|

Perhaps you read the recent Wall Street Journal article entitled, "To Get Into the Ivy League, 'Extraordinary' Isn't Always Enough These Days."  The article is about Kaitlyn Younger, a student in Texas who applied to twelve colleges (including several Ivies) and was only admitted to two of them. As described [...]

Discovery College Consulting Has a New Associate

By |2020-08-24T15:52:35+00:00August, 3, 2015|College Admissions, College Consultants, College Preparation|

Discovery College Consulting is excited to welcome Marci Colb to its team! Marci has been a college consultant for five years, so she has considerable expertise about the college search and application process. Additionally, for 15 years she has worked in college admissions and student affairs. Marci’s various roles on [...]

Tips for Hiring a College Consultant

By |2020-08-24T15:52:39+00:00November, 1, 2013|College Admissions, College Applications, College Consultants, College Preparation, College Research|

I had another article published today on  This one explains the role of a college consultant and suggests things to consider and questions to ask when hiring one.  You can read it here.

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